Melissa Elmira Yingst

All communities have hidden narratives, and Melissa Elmira Yingst is all about finding and bringing awareness to them, especially when they celebrate women and muxeristas. As a child in Southern California, she sought for deep connections with other people. As she grew, she realized she wanted to do something more. She ventured off to Gallaudet University to earn her Bachelor’s in Psychology, and to Arizona State University for her Master’s in Social Work. Since then, she held different positions as a social worker and school counselor in New York City and Phoenix. She currently teaches ASL at CSUN as an adjunct faculty and works at Convo as a Digital Media Marketing Manager. She also is the co-founder of Alma de Muxeristas, an organization for muxeristas who are Deaf, DeafBlind, Deaf Disabled, Late-Deafened, or Hard of Hearing.
Now back home in Los Angeles with her signature red lipstick (which gives her powers) and her brown Chicana self, she is ready to take on the world with MELMIRA, her show!
Melissa is also excited to be back teaching with the Sign Language Center as she really enjoyed teaching there part time while she was living in New York City!

Jireh Nacu