Shiran Zhavian

Shiran Zhavian

Shiran Zhavian is a Deaf NYC-raised Persian-Israeli. She moved here at age of seven and enrolled at Lexington School for the Deaf where she will always call home forever.  She earned her Bachelor of Science in Chemistry at Gallaudet University and Master of Science in Chemical Engineering at Manhattan College. Her first official job was a HS science teacher at Lexington school for the Deaf for a few years plus coaching both Academic Bowl and Volleyball teams. Given the opportunity to professionally and personally grow at the school level, it led her to land her current job after a few different jobs. She is currently working for the Drug Enforcement Administration as a forensic chemist. She is the first Deaf forensic chemist at the United States Department of Justice.

In her free time, you will always find her working out at gyms with friends, running, strenuous outdoor activities, and learning new things everyday. She appreciates simplicity in life by spending quality time with her loved ones, exploring new food/places, and basically slowing down time. Her all-time favorite quote is, "Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it." 

Jireh Nacu